KOWIN 미서부 LA지부 제 18대 회장 이 . 취임식


Korean Women's International NetWork

한인 여성의 인권과 리더십 증진을 위한 네트워크 형성

변화의 시기, 지식과 경험의 나눔을 통해, 한인 여성들의 능동적 역할 증진

월례 정기모임과 다양한 주제의 컨퍼런스를 통한 소통의 공간

한인 여성 개인의 발전과 비즈니스의 성공을 위한 나눔의 모임

Empowering Korean Women: Paving the Way for Global Leadership

Joohee Kim, President of KOWIN LA

As the 18th President of KOWIN LA, it is my greatest honor to lead our mission of empowering Korean women to rise as global leaders. Under the banner of our new slogan, Empower & Rise, we are building a community where every Korean woman is equipped with the tools, networks, and confidence needed to realize her full potential and lead with purpose.

Since its founding in 2001, KOWIN LA has been at the forefront of advancing the success and growth of Korean women across industries—business, technology, literature, science, and public service. We have witnessed many women break through barriers and rise to the top of their fields, making significant contributions to society. Today, we celebrate those achievements while laying a stronger foundation for the next generation of leaders who will follow in their footsteps.

Our commitment is clear: we advocate for gender equality, expand leadership opportunities, and create an inclusive environment where every Korean woman can thrive. As part of this commitment, we are also investing in the future, ensuring that the next generation of women leaders is supported with the resources, training programs, mentorship, and networking opportunities needed to succeed. Our work today is a testament to the legacy we are building for tomorrow.

Under the vision of Empower & Rise, we are not only fostering individual success but creating a lasting legacy for future generations. We are taking the pathways forged by those who came before us and extending them for the next generation, ensuring that Korean women continue to lead, innovate, and create lasting, positive change on a global scale. Together, we will ensure that future generations have even more opportunities to rise, to break through barriers, and to leave their mark on the world.

This journey is not just about our own growth; it’s about empowering the next generation to rise with us. With determination and unity, we will create a future where the contributions of Korean women are recognized, valued, and transformative. In doing so, we dedicate ourselves to creating opportunities for those who will come after us, empowering them to carry the torch of leadership and influence into the future.

KOWIN LA 세계한민족여성네트워크 행사안내

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