TOPIC: “Child, I have a dream.” “Mom (Dad), I do, too. Regulations: Parent begins with “I have a dream.” Child begins with “Mom (or Dad), me, too.” Please express your unique thoughts as a parent and child for each other… Read More »2020 2nd KOWIN LA Annual Scholarship Contest for Parents and Children Together Year
The pandemic of 2020 is often described by such overused but apt words and phrases as “an unprecedented era” and “challenging times.” Many of us in our Korean American community find that our ongoing struggle to adapt to the new culture and language of our adopted homeland is exacerbated and amplified by these additional challenges posed by the pandemic, threatening the mental, psychological, and physical well-being of the families of our community. In response to our community’s needs, KOWIN LA (Korean Women’s International Network of Los Angeles) is honored and privileged to host a virtual conference, especially during its 20th year anniversary. The aspirational goal of this conference is to add to the lexicon of the pandemic words of hope and direction, like “healing,” “advocating,” and “navigating.” We at KOWIN LA sincerely hope that you and your loved ones can attend our virtual conference and gain new insights that will empower you and put you on a path to healing.
Greetings, As we are stepping into November, we will have our meeting a bit earlier than usual, on Tuesday, November 13th, as we have Thanksgiving holidays and many of you might have plans with your family. This will be the… Read More »2018 Announcement for November Meeting
KOWIN LA 회원여러분을 초대 합니다. 16분 ( 2 TABLE s )을 무료로 모십니다. 참석하셔서 기념식을 빛내주시기를 바랍니다. CONNIE PAIK 총무님께 알려 주시면됩니다. ( KOWIN EMAIL 또는 개인 KAKAOTALK ) 1. 참석여부 , 2. 성함 , 소속단체,. 3. 저녁 선택 MENU… Read More »2018 Invitation for Dosan Ahn Chang Ho Day
지난 2017-18년 임기의 활동을 여가부에 보고후 이경이 담당관님께서 지난 임기의 활동 사항을 책자로 만드셨습니다. 앞으로 더욱 회원과 커뮤니티가 함께 나누며 참여하는 KOWIN 으로 거듭나기를 노력하겠습니다. 감사합니다 미서부 뉴스레터-제2018-1호 보기 클릭
Greetings. 지난 2017-18년 임기의 활동을 여가부에 보고후 이경이 담당관님께서 지난 임기의 활동 사항을 책자로 만드셨습니다. 앞으로 더욱 회원과 커뮤니티가 함께 나누며 참여하는 KOWIN 으로 거듭나기를 노력하겠습니다. 감사합니다 미서부 뉴스레터-제2018-1호 보기 클릭
Hello, KOWIN LA members. How have you been through the summer? Autumn with high clouds has come. I apologize for skipping September Meeting because of personal reasons of the President. We have prepared to discuss about new terms in 2018 –… Read More »2018 Announcement for October Meeting
안녕하세요, 회원여러분 MPAK GALA :Intercontinental Hotel , 10/13일 6pm 참석 독려 ( 1인 / $200 ) 1TABLE( $1400 ) 을 함께 구입 예정, 참석자 지원을 받습니다. … Read More »Inviting KOWIN to MPAK Gala